
How To Install A Sewer Line

Photograph of installing plastic sewer drain line pipingSewer Line Replacement Procedure

  • POST a QUESTION or Annotate about laying septic or sewer piping into trenches

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Sewer or septic line replacement: placing the new pipe in the trench.

This article describes how the new sewer line is installed when a sewer pipe or "drain line" is replaced.

We nowadays an actual instance study, illustrated with photos of each step in the diagnosis and replacement of a blocked sewer line.

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Guide to installing the replacement sewer pipe line

Photograph of a temporary safety barrier around septic piping excavation.This article on sewer line replacement addresses installing the new sewer piping and making connections.

  • Safe during sewer line or septic line excavation
  • Recommended commanded slope for sewer or septic line pipe
  • Sewer or septic line trench specifications: uniformity, soil compaction, width
  • Specifications for placing sewer or septic piping into the excavated trenches
  • Recommended sewer line size (diameter) and slope
  • Fugitive rocks, voids, using sand, protecting the new septic or sewer pipage from damage

Safety of occupants and neighbors during excavation for sewer line repairs

When the plumbers left the site nosotros had created a hole which was a trip hazard to folks who might cross the yard.

While our firsthand makeshift hazard indicators (nearby wood fence scraps and a laundry basket) was apprentice and insecure, at least we had an immediate visual indicator that there was something hither to watch out for.

Nosotros and then went in search for some more sturdy materials to cover the pigsty until further repair work could begin.

Safety during sewer line trench excavation

Photograph of installing plastic sewer drain line pipingDuring earthworks, when the excavators had to get out the site between job stages, the site was likewise marked-off with yellow hazard tape tied to sticks.

Also apprentice but successful at alert people about the risk of falling into a ditch.

Do not leave whatsoever site excavations open and unattended: the risks are injury as someone may fall in, and in freezing climates in that location may exist a chance of pipage freeze damage.

What is the proper slope for sewer lines between house and septic tank or sewer main?

Sewer line trenches should exist every bit uniform in slope as possible and should gradient between 2% and ten% grade - that is, the sewer line slope can drop between ii feet and ten anxiety per one hundred anxiety of run. [iv]

You can run across that the sewer line slope downwardly this hillside is excessive. A gamble (less in plastic pvc than in cast fe pipes) is that the h2o and the solids in the sewage don't remain together, leaving solids behind to clog the piping. Too the wastewater flowing into the septic tank at the bottom of the colina is really zooming in velocity - making the condition of the septic tank inlet baffle even more important.

Sewer Line Trench Details: uniformity, soil compaction

If you don't want sagging or broken sewer line pipes, clogs, and failures in the piping, then the sewer line trench bottom should exist properly and uniformly sloped and compacted. The bottom of the sewer line trench should be virgin soil - non over-excavated. Only since excavating is a rough art, some trench sections may be uneven and deeper than others. In that example the soil used for fill beneath the sewer piping must be adequately compacted to avert time to come sags.

If yous place the sewer piping in soft fill up or areas where the fill compaction varies, the adventure is that the piping develops depression spots, sags, even breaks, leading to future clogging. And if trenches are not below the frost line, wastewater sitting in a depression pipe sag in freezing climates may freeze, totally blocking the organization.

The Alaska Septic Installation Manual suggests that sewer line trenches should exist every bit narrow equally possible in width and that piping should be laid on undisturbed soil or on compacted backfill soil. [four]

Installing the replacement sewer line

Photograph of making connections on plastic sewer line pipingInstalling and connecting the new drain sections

Sewer line bore

The minimum bore sewer line pipe allowed in virtually jurisdictions (and Alaska) is 4-inches in diameter. Smaller lines are prone to clogging. We are referring to gravity-flow sewer lines here. A pumped or forced sewer main is usually carrying sewage that has been through a grinder pump and as a result, in residential applications smaller diameter piping may be allowed.

Sections of the new bleed were laid along the trench for installation, cutting to length at either end, and and then connected together. Note the grease used to slip the sections of drain piping together.

At the up-loma house end, nosotros connected the new drain line to the existing stub of cast iron sewer line exterior of the house foundation wall.

This avoided the cost and problem of having to break through the foundation wall to install a new line into the home, and avoided possible impairment to the nearby heating banality.

The safe coupling used to connect the two drains leaked and had to exist re-continued.

Photograph of installing plastic sewer drain line piping

These couplings piece of work fine, durably, and reliably provided the pipes they connect are lined up advisedly. An askew pipe connection is more probable to leak.

Besides run across Clogged Drain DIAGNOSIS & REPAIR diagnosing septic backups and septic organisation failures versus clogged drains.


(Feb ii, 2022) sheet said:
What is the international building lawmaking for minimum size sewer drain line and are 90 degree corners within code? If 90'southward are acceptable is there a limit? such as ii or 3?



Plumbers avoid 90's on sewer pipage because they tend to clog. Use a 45 or if you demand to brand a xc degree plow, use two 45s. More than bends than necessary also increases the chances of bottleneck.


(Sept 5, 2022) said:
what is the correct dia. of the new PVC drainage pipe to connect to the side opening of a concrete septic tank that measures v 3/4" inner dia. and 7 i/ii" outer dia. and what practise i use to seal the opening in an area with a serious root trouble

Question: connecting the new sewer line to a septic tank that was connected to terra-cotta piping

29 March 2022 joh hyman said:
how practise you get the terracotta piping out of the septic tank where the 4inch pvc pipage it goes in? can y'all step the pipage size down to three inches where it goes into the tank?



If there is an onetime segment of terra-cotta sewer line inbound the septic tank it's probably sealed with concrete. Luckily terra-cotta is quite soft. Y'all will demand to take the following steps:

1. With the tank excavated enough to accept working infinite, and NEVER WORKING Lonely - as falling into a septic tank is usually fatal - yous will use a hammer and mason's chisel to chip out the former terra-cotta line. Wear goggles and other protective gear of course. I want to remove the old terra cotta non just considering we want to connect the new PVC sewer line to the tank simply also considering

2. y'all will need to install a baffle or pipe tee in the tank (from the inside walll of the tank) (Practise NOT ENTER A SEPTIC TANK NOR LEAN OVER IT equally THAT CAN BE FATAL)

The tank tee may protrude through the opened wall of the septic tank to provide a connexion indicate outside using standard PVC pipage fittings.

3. You'll need to seal around the piping passage using a masonry sealer or cement.

Question: find the sepic tank cleanout port

Anonymous said:
how exercise you discover the inspection holes to have the tank pumped?


Anon in a serial of articles kickoff at SEPTIC TANK, HOW TO FIND we explain how to find the septic tank. At that indicate yous simply uncover it to expose the cleanout port(s) in the tank top. IF the tank is deep, before re-burial information technology again hash out with your septic contractor an extra footstep of adding septic tank risers to brand the next cleanout easier.


Continue reading at BED the SEWER LINE in SAND or select a topic from the closely-related articles beneath, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.

Or run into this

Article Serial

    • Notice the Chief BUILDING DRAIN
    • Detect Distance to Drain BLOCKAGE
    • Determine Demand for DRAIN LINE REPLACEMENT
    • Supplant SEWER LINE, Stride BY Step
    • BED the SEWER LINE in SAND
    • Concluding SEEDING & RESTORATION

Suggested citation for this web page

INSTALLING the NEW SEWER LINE at - online encyclopedia of building & ecology inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & trouble prevention communication.

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Index to RELATED ARTICLES: Commodity Index to Drain SEPTIC SEWER PIPES

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Publisher - Daniel Friedman


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